Gotham City 14 Miles

By johnduncan

Axe Of The Day

Today brings even more evidence of my procrastinating existence.
Exhibit one: My incredibly under-used guitar.

George Harrison wrote the line "While my guitar gently weeps"
That's nothing, my guitar sits in the corner and sobs uncontrollably.
She flashes me a dirty look like a woman scorned everytime i walk into the room.
"Why dont you want to touch me anymore?" she wails.
B.B King famously named his black Gibson, Lucille. A beautiful name for a beautiful guitar.
My guitar is called Phyllis.
She screeches.

I'll NEVER be any good. I seriously just don't have the time, the dedication nor the patience to master the axe. But, on those days where i do have a spare 20 minutes she's always there for me when i want to blast away the cobwebs.

Randomly she bears the signature of the Welsh best selling author and drug smuggler Howard Marks.

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