Beauty in rain

By meow

silly girl

I tried to get one of her with her tongue out, because she could not seem to keep it in her mouth when she was convinced my camera was something edible, but it obviously didn't work out. I did however give her two large carrots after I took a few pictures of her, which made her happy. She got a little spoiled though and started pawing the ground, wanting more. I love her!

(She's not mine, but I'm in love with her. By the way, her name is Sapphire and she's gooorgeous. And incredibly soft. And amazing to ride. And the list goes on and on. Although it's strange because she's so beautiful in the traditional sense, and the other two horses that have special places in my heart from years ago weren't your average horse. Interesting)

Anyway, I'm sure I'll put more of her up the next time I have a lesson

: )

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