Dr Jones

By jones


The rugby match didn't start until 8:45pm so we had a whole day of sightseeing.
We walked for hours and saw many of the sights. Despite having a travel card, we preferred d to walk. By the time we got to the Eiffel tower, it was late afternoon and we spent a long time sitting on a bench watching the tourists and all the touts (all selling the same stuff).
Walking from the Eiffel tower to the Arc De Triomph, I was desperate for the toilet. We passed the aquarium so we went in looking for a toilet. By walking into the cafe (naughty son managed to slip through the turnstile), we managed to get into the aquarium for free.
We then headed back to the hotel (we are staying at the Ibis hotel - a stone's throw away from the Stade de France). We had dinner there and watched the Ireland vs England rugby match at the bar.
We then walked to the stadium. Unfortunately, Wales lost 28-9. It was a great atmosphere and my son had a great time.
I'm glad that our hotel was so close to the stadium.

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