Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Friday: Peas

I don't know what made me think that stopping off at the Tower of London on my way to work to take a picture was a good idea.  That building is way too big to fit into a picture!  What were they thinking when they built it?  This is also the only picture I could get that doesn't have a mass of French schoolchildren in it.

One thing that I do admire about town planning in London is that all these sights were built near tube stations.  Yes, that really is most clever.  I was worried that I was coming across as a tourist when I took this picture but I think that I was set apart by the fact that I was carrying a bag of frozen peas.

Now, this blip know how it starts to take over your life?  The last two nights I have had dreams in which blip friends, whom I haven't even met, have featured.  I won't tell you who you are in case you feel completely freaked out unduly flattered by my freaky stalking attentions.

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