Life with K.C.


Busy as a Bumble Bee

That's me right now. No time for anything....

Firstly about the bee blip - incase you just popped to see it & not listen to me waffle on. I was photgraphing Mr KC's plants in the garden when I was lucky enough to capture this. Can you see all the pollen on it's leg? The plant is called a Comfrey in case you care.... Ooooh just seen it big & I love it! You can even see an ant!

Today: Dropped Blue Twin at football, took Big Daughter to her new Dyslexia Saturday School, took her to a birthday party & stayed with her (I got to skate a roller-disco :-) ), joined my tutorial group (very late) and popped to the shops. All that between 10am & 16.00.

I have to journal here how proud I am of Big Twin. She was great with her new tutor, tried really hard and giggled really hard when she cheated at a game we played there so I wouldn't win. It was hard for me to see how being dyslexic effects her - her ability to order the alphabet, spell, write & remember sequences. A reminder really of the battle she'll have with education. On the positive her tutor was lovely & she's excited to go back next week. The other reason I am proud of her is that she rollerskated really brilliantly. Her coordination isn't great & previously she's struggled. Hence why I skived off my tutorial to check she enjoyed herself. But no I wasn't needed - she said I was but i think she'd have done even better without me! Very proud....

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