Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


This morning Elizabeth and I went shopping. She was sat in the childrens seat in the trolley. Whenever we stopped to wait for people to get a move on, she would raise her arms to ask to come out, and I would tickle her under her arms. Eventually she started to keep her elbows down to stop me tickling her. That's the first time she's ever done that! Clever girl.

We went to the city to shop for Jeff's mum's birthday present. Elizabeth was happy, as usual, in her carrier. We had to buy a new sun hat for her, because her 0-6 month hat has finally got too small! She's now got a 6-12 month hat, that's a wee bit big for her.

This evening she's been happily running around and playing with her toys.

Her communication is really coming along. She copies a lot of words, but she's certainly familiar with them. Words (and sounds) she's saying a lot now:
* hello
* hiya
* ta
* one, two
* shoe
* teeth
* woof woof
* moo
* all done
* hot (she blows on her food now too)
* cold
* shhhh
* yeah, yeah, yeah
* no
* good girl
* there (as in "lets look over there" from Something Special.
and possibly more, I can't think of any now. She does say dada and mama, but they're not directed at us.

Instructions she understands and follows:
* bedtime/bathtime/lets get you changed - she goes to climb the stairs
* food - she goes to her high chair
* touch your head/nose/eyes/tummy/toes
* get your shoes
And others I will think of later.

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