Hair wash day

My gran would rip my head off if she owned a computer and would see this. Today was her hair washing day. My mum has been going over to her house for years to do her hair once a week. My generation would not be happy to only get their hair washed once a week and get helped being bathed once a week by some social service staff.
We actually dont think about getting old and if we do we dont think it will be all that bad...... but probably its gonna be worse. We wont have anybody who takes care of us for such bad payed line of work...... sorry about my spelling and rambling on... but I hate the way we take care of elderly people these days. We owe them so much more.

Any way, my gran looked so nice after her hair had dried.... should have before and after photo instead of this one :) But I though it was cute the way Úlfur was helping putting the rolls in her hair.

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