
By QuerkyPoo


Ive got this dillema - These Canadians are breeding like rabbits and they probably need to be occassionally culled - They arent native to NZ and they probably take up food supplies for native species.
Come along shooting season and ducks and geese get culled. I dont like shooting myself, so good luck to those who do - but be careful you blokes because one hunter in the North Island got shot and killed yesterday and the season has just started.

10,000 ducks?(guess) - 1 human being.(confirmed)

This Canadian retained his freedom as he scouted the Estuary - No shooting allowed here - I like this shot and was pleased to see the light in his eye.
He was one of three which made the last cut for today - but he gotr the nod as I wanted to highlight that the ducks dont always win!!

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