IWM North

Busy day again.. Picked up an undercarriage bag for the Quinny from a little place in Cheetham Hill.. parked the hirecar near a crackhouse.. after a few minutes I realised it was wisest to move it... which I did. the everfriendly locals seemed to think I was Five-O, their looks and twitchy glances semed ever more furtive and sinister, some of them disappeared rather sharpish, one of them brought a rather mean looking white pitbull out..Awww Bless. This place never used to be a no-go area.. It IS NOW ! Then went to the Fort before having a lovely lunch at the New Roma.. I had Pizza Tonno Bianco and it was still as lovely as it always has been.

Then it was off to Archangel country at Salford Quays but didn't see him anywhere. I think he may have been searching for his Mind..

I went to the excellently nostalgic Harold Riley exhibition at the Lowry. Then I headed across to the George Rodger(Co-Founder of Magnum Images with Capa.) exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in the North.

Both the exhibitions are free and display some strong images. if you're in the area with time to spare I recommend them both.. I was particularly impressed by Riley's street images of mid-sixties Salford. Poverty has changed... there is a more recent and growing substrata that is more chaotic and depraved with the inclusion of class A drugs and long term three generations of unemployment in the mix..

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