
By CleanSteve

Hole in the sky

I'm still at my desk, just like yesterday afternoon and evening. My picture was taken through the window five feet away, which I showed yesterday.

The light looked odd so I went to look out again across Stroud's Golden Valley, above Butterow. I noticed this hole through to the bright sky and white clouds in the distance, despite being under the menacing, dark and overhanging clouds right above us.

I now only have two lenses, as my original and not very good original kit zoom, which came with my last old and cheap camera, seems to have got bent. I don't know what happened, I don't remember dropping it or any such damage. But in my mind I had been considering replacing it, so perhaps the cosmos is making decisions for me. Now I only have a 50mm and the 55-250mm which this was taken with.

Perhaps I can afford a new lens, if I get the new job tomorrow. Finger-crosed everyone, if you don't mind please!

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