My First Concert

We went to the Boathouse for lunch with Grandma and Grandad today. I asked, very politely, for spaghetti, and then I didn't eat any of it. I had a few of Grandma's chips, and Mum got me a fruit salad. After lunch Grandma and Grandad went home to see Milly the cat. We will see them again in a few weeks. Mum, Dad and I went into Glasgow. We didn't really have a plan. We parked in Buchanan Galleries, and when we came out I saw the steps up the Concert Hall and wanted to climb them. There were lots of other people climbing them too, so we decided to go and see what was on. Turns out it was the National Youth Choir of Scotland. Mum and Dad decided to take me in. I was very interested in the orchestra, and clapped enthusiastically along with everyone else. I liked the singing, but started to get a bit fidgety after a while, so we left at the interval (which unfortunately was before the main event, Seven Planets and a Cosmic Rock, which was being narrated by Billy Boyd. But we were very impressed with the choir. NYCOS also runs classes for pre-school children Orla's age and younger, so I think we're going to try and get her along to some of those).

When we left the concert hall, we heard very different music and saw some boys breakdancing. I decided to have a go - I spun round and then plopped on to my bottom. It was quite sore, so I decided I'd leave the breakdancing to them. Mum thought it was hilarious.

I think we'll be back at the concert hall next weekend for this -much more fun for Orla!

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