Sari Kiz

By sarikiz

Mrs Cat

This is Mrs Cat. She is our adopted feline (for there are many) when we are staying in our lovely house in Datca, South West Turkey.

She is a very unattractive cat and her other name is Mrs Droopy Jaw for obvious reasons. She has slitty mistrusting eyes and has cancerous ears because she doesn't know how to put sun cream on her ears in the searing summer Turkish sun. She never learns that she is not allowed in the house and she had very inappropriate long white fur that molts all over you. However, she uncannily knows the sound of the opening of a packet of chicken ham which is her favourite. [It's chicken ham because it's not ham ham as that would be pig...this is TURKEY].

Despite the above, we are very fond of Mrs Cat and she loves us too when we are there.

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