Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

From the inside

Evening all,

Blimey, its sunday night, what happened to the weekend then ?

Have done massively less than i planned to today.. it was all there, do garden, cut wood, fix pressure washer, shave bits of wood off door, cut timber, go to garden centre, sort out raised bed, invade poland etc etc..

However, to my credit, i have .....erm well, had a swim, closed a few doors, helped number 1 child with some homework, and, well, erm, did i mention i'd closed a few doors....what ? i have ,oh well , ok i've drunk slightly too much white wine and might attempt to change some lightbulbs in the kitchen in a bit, but i don't think today i've really contributed much chez Richardson.....

Oh yeah, i've cleaned the budgie out....without letting the cats get near her, and did i tell you i'd closed a few doors....

alice cooper

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