The No

By TheNo

Police story

This is Turnpike Lane station in North London. It is something of a shabby beauty - when it was built it "set new aesthetic standards", apparently. Look at that light. Isn't it pretty? Photogenic, some might say.

While trying to get this shot, two police officers stopped me. Anti-terrorism duty, one said. It would have been remiss of them not to find out why I was taking photographs, he added.

Actually, the very first thing he said was "Could you tell me your name, sir?" My UK Uncut reflex politely kicked in ("I don't have to tell you that, do I?" (A: no, you do not) but I did offer to show them photos I had taken recently by way of an answer to the original question and assure them that I am just a photographer.

Satisfied I probably wasn't a threat, they let me get on with it, and I took this picture.

Weird, though.

We can't win


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