Paperdoll Debris

By jesafly

bush party, at the end of the night

It was Steve's birthday that first week in Fort Dauphin, and so we had our first bush party. It was a fabulous night, with a local traditional music group and dancers, and many of the locals - especially the kids! - came, drawn by the music. We learnt (or tried to learn) to dance Anosy style, often under the expert tutelage of kids as young as 5. There was even one wee girl who was so small she could barely walk yet - but she had the rhythm! When the band left we ended up taking many photos of and with the kids. As before, they love to see themselves in the display of the camera, they find it both hilarious and thrilling.

I chose this photo, of the many, as i liked the definite focus of the smiling boy in the foreground, but also the presence in the background of Laura, having her photo taken with the kids, and Abby, sitting with a group of children, showing them their images on her camera. It sums up much of that stage of the night.

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