party of 5

By partyof5

~"Great" Grandmother's Day~

Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation. ~Lois Wyse

Today for Mothers day my family and I went to pick up my Grandma from her care home and take her to visit my other Grandma in her new assisted living home. My brother Chris, his wife Andie and their daughter Ruby were there as well as my Grandma's boyfriend Pete. Since my parents and Paul's parents were out of town it was the first time that I took the lead and planned the little get together. It was very simple just cinnamon rolls, fruit and coffee.

I had a hard time getting ready this morning thinking about how much our lives have all changed in the last few years. My Grandpa Cahill died 3 years ago and my Grandma had to be put in a care facility for the first time permantly when he got ill see blip here for her story. My Grandma George who became a widow less than a month before I was born is now showing sign of dementia. She had to sell the home that she raised her 5 children in and move into an assisted living home this last december. Luckily she made the choice herself and it went pretty smooth. She forgets a lot and gets confused. I have been used to my Grandma Cahill being sick my whole life but now it is hard to see my Grandma George slipping. I know it is the stages that all families go thru it is just so hard to watch. I have also had a lot of Grandma guilt lately, as I have not visited them both as much as I wish or should. Having 3 kids there always seems like there is something to do, but that is no excuse.

We had a great visit and the kids all behaved very well. Lily really enjoyed her Great Grandma and I think the feeling was mutual. We then returned Grandma back to her care home for a little rest. She is really starting to slow down physically. For so long she was as fit as could be and her only problems were mental. Thank heavens I had Paul there to help. Not only is he so good with her, but I dont think I could have got her in the van by myself.

I had a great Mothers day with my children and grandmothers and family. Just the way it should be! I am thankful for all my blessings. I missed my mom today, but I will see her very soon, hug her and tell her how much I love her too!

"Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete." ~ Marcy DeMaree

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