
By scintilla

Break Up Fly Boys

I was bound and determined to do an outside shot today even if it meant going back to an old favorite of mine (and Chaos). We in Alaska call the time of year when the ice and snow melts and creates intolerable slop "break up". This is probably a false alarm mini break up this week, as I'm sure there's plenty of sub-freezing and snowy days left. I'd rather only go through the slop once a year. Daisy loves it because she gets to be all muddy which is her favorite state of max entropy.

The political fur is flying today after Hillary's symbolic albeit delegate wise meaningless victories yesterday. Neither one at this point can mathematically secure enough "committed" delegates before the convention to cinch the nomination without there being some kind of brokered back room deal. I don't think either one has the stomach to deal with the other at this point, but I could be wrong.

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