Managed to lose my camera over the weekend. Not properly mind just in the house. I made the schoolboy error of tidying my studio and losing everything important in the process. After much searching it turned up sitting in plane view. Of course, it did. Still, at least the weather over the weekend wasn't exactly photogenic and nothing apart from a fit of tidying up happened. So not a great loss on the photographic front.
Having been camera-less for 2 days it would have been great just to wander for a while poking it at interesting stuff but life and work gets in the way. Instead I've just stuck the camera out the window and hoped for the best.
Luckily the blue skies and green fields are looking rather lush especially in the hazy sunshine.
- 2
- 0
- Panasonic DMC-FS11
- f/5.6
- 18mm
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