days I'll remember

By bassrockbob

she was swallowed by the sky

I was driving to my dad's this morning, listening to Women's Hour (I'm in touch with my feminine side (but not too much)), when I heard my second favourite song. It was sung for a change by Claire Teal and it always, always chokes me up when I hear it, so I blipped the vehicles I was in pursuit of while I was driving (which I promise never to do again). But you won't see it here because it is only my second favourite song. And you have to guess what it is - there are enough clues, ha ha.

My favourite song (probably) is 'Amelia' by Joni Mitchell. It is notionally about the aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart who disappeared while on a round the world flight in 1937, but like all great songs it works on many levels; it is a song about travelling, about loneliness, about knowing yourself, and about love. Plus it holds special memories for me of my own travels. And it chokes me up too :o) Here's a link to Youtube - not my favourite version, but Youtube has blocked that for the UK!


And rather weirdly (or perhaps not) I just noticed that my journal today begins with the same words as the song.

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