Planko's Pics

By planko

Dundee's Oldest Park

Most people don't realise it, but Magdalen Green is Dundee's oldest city park and has been used for about 400 years. The bandstand is relatively new though, built in 1890. Managed to get out blipping tonight and captured this which is today's offering.

Today's blip was going to be a picture of Tonto who i stumbled across at lunchtime with Silverback and Rioja. The blip ninja was poised, ready to snap someone walking past something he had noticed at Victoria Street, but alas, big Planko came along instead.

Nice chat with Mr T and Silverback before resuming my lunchtime wander, which in the end wasn't very fruitful blip wise. Hopefully one day i'll be able to capture a sunny shower at Victoria Street.

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