fovea centralis

By fovea


Monday. Full of heat and errands, but enjoying the bonus week off, waiting for HR to call about paperwork--anxious to start.

B and I did our walk-about at the zoo this afternoon. I really do just enjoy walking and taking in the sights, if it can't be a downtown in a big city, or a mountain-side hike, the zoo is a great alternative. close by and free (if you are a member!)

I really wanted to capture this little girl in full: dressed in a pink t-shirt and jean over-all shorts with her hair in pigtails. But parents don't often give permission to snap a few photos of their kids. especially the younger ones. and I always feel weird about asking. But the warm, pudgy little hand was okay.

At the bird sanctuary you can purchase a seed-stick for a dollar and feed the birds. They are quite tame and love the extra food! good times!

hope everyone had a great Monday!


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