Point de Vue

By Alsacienne

Total Failure

Divine intervention (of which this picture reminds me...) is what was needed today.

A 30mn doctor's appointment turned into 3.5hr (and I have to go back tomorrow to finish up). By the time I got to the office, I had 15mns to grab something to eat before leading a "brainstorming" session. That was all over the place and moderately informing only. The blackberry I got last week to replace a defective one apparently suffers the same disease and decided not to accept emails anymore. When I got back to my desktop, 60 some emails (progressively angrier for lack of response) awaited me. Almost 2 hours stuck in traffic on the way home. My laptop decides to conk out tonite as well. And my husband bought the wrong ingredients for tonite's planned dinner.

I am going to spend the rest of the evening eating Nutella straight out of the jar. There!

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