As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Written In The Stars

Dan almost passed out at track today. Him and Danny were doing the workout together because they came late to practice after AP Physics. All Dan ate today was a scrambled egg. That's it. And then he did a workout at track. When they were going to go on a cool down, Dan said he wasn't feeling great so he was going to skip the cool down. Danny went on alone. Fifteen minutes later, Coach B found Dan sitting in the hallway, his eyes glazed over, saying his head is killing him. Frazer and Sposito came and helped him out and got him a drink and a granola bar. Silly Dan...

I played with the eighth grade orchestra tonight at their concert. It was nothing short of spectacular.

These are some kids in my art class doing....well, art.

Word of the Day: Splenetic - Irritable; peevish; spiteful

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