Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Sundown Glow

I took the day off work today because I got back so late from Woodburn last night. It felt good to have a day without any schedule to just do what I wanted all day, starting with sleeping in--that really felt good.

I had time to go to the "blippers dock" and spend some time there. Pddesigns was there, so it was nice to see her. She pointed out this shot to me, so I hope she doesn't mind that I am using it. She has been so helpful and inspirational for me in my photography; a real asset to the blippers in this area.

I am so excited that tomorrow is my one year blip. I have worked hard to get my back blips all caught up. I am really looking forward to having one year behind me. I hope tomorrow will be a good blipping day.

Thanks for stopping by.

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