
By Frontier

Rain & Humidity / Pain & Humility

Sometimes it's strange to see how sometimes things are easier to get than others. Sure, there's nothing far removed from that unwritten law in everday life, however when what is believed to be a priviledged right is so hard to attain you wonder why it's so easy to get others. What am I trying to say?

Here's an example. I'm a lucky lucky person. I have good friends, a good family, a good job and I live in a country that I adore. These sort of things people fight their whole lifetime to attain but never succeed. I acknowledge that I don't truly deserve it, but I guess since I have it, I want to give thanks. Conversely, I have trouble sleeping, as with many others. And like many others, I am sometimes frustrated and envious of the people who don't. Is it so difficult to ask for? I wonder sometimes.

Despite the circumstances, for the lack of things that I don't have, the void between the desire and the goal is covered and filled up with the things that I do. That is, letting go of the unattainable and subsiding to the reality and truth. Although I don't possess the characteristics and possessions of others, neither do they of mine. It is equatable.

I have what I have and I am what I am, neither great nor empty. I must accept others in order to accept myself.

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