All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan's windmill

Today started off as "one of those days". Was about to leave for nursery, bang on schedule, when I discovered Ethan needed an urgent nappy change so I had to deal with that. I then went to put him in the car only to realise I had no idea where the car keys were! Ten frantic minutes later I finally found them and off we set.

Made it to work on time by the skin of my teeth but for some reason had stuff going through my mind all morning that was really bugging me. And although I was working hard, I didn't seem to be getting very far. Luckily the afternoon was better though.

Hubbie picked Ethan up from nursery this evening and had managed to aquire a windmill while he was there. As soon as we brought Ethan in the house, he had escaped out the front door again and insisted on marching up and down our street with his precious windmill spinning round in the wind! There really is no stopping him now. He is so confident with his walking and I'm constantly amazed by how far he can go without tiring. He's still wearing his cruisers but I think we'll need to take him shopping for a "proper" pair of walkers next weekend now he's up and about so much.

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