C is at school, teaching early classes this morning, I am sitting at my laptop and Lillian is sorting washing! I hear quite a commotion, Lilly comes running to me: "Ouma, come look, quickly, bring the camera, there's a bird in the house, at the big window by the stairs!?

Awh poor thing, flew in the front door, most probably saw the window and thought it could fly out there again! It is só high here where it's sitting on the huge tapestry hanging above the stairs, and I had only my small lense available!! The elephant looks quite surprised as well!! Hiehiehiehie!!

Shortly after I took this picture, it flew to the window and landed behind the blinds, which made it só much easier for me to catch it and let it free through the bedroom window! It sat on my hand for a while, somewhat confused, then took off and landed on the garden wall, happy chappy, nó problem, chirping like nothing's happened!

I don't think tóó many of you saw my yesterday blip!! ... and I thought it was quite something 'different'. ;-o

I've noticed just now, that this is my 911th Blip!! If only, on that day, 9/11/2001, someone could do this rescue thing, like I could today!!

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