Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Wednesday: Old Faithfuls

So, as my job is shift-based, I get every fifth week off.  And I am currently on a week off, hence limited blipping from London.  But don't be fooled into thinking this is an emergency blip - no, these shoes need to be commemorated.

One thing I do need to do this week is go and buy some new shoes - one of the few things I really don't enjoy.  But, more to the point, it will mean having to say goodbye to these soon........and I love them!!  They are the most comfy shoes ever, and have been on some amazing trips with me........

So they need to be blipped.  Yes, they do!

P.S.  Bittersweet has pointed out that my feet appear to be kissing!  I can assure you that no foot sauciness was intended!

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