I returned my books and maps to the Library today but had to point out to the assistant that one of the books had part of a page cut out of it. What a mean and disrespectful thing to do. I admit I was worried they might think it was me, so showed her that I had actually taken a few pictures of the book's photos, and would not dream of damaging a book like that. She was understandably annoyed and disgusted with the perpetrator. She then said that she couldn't put the book back on the shelf like that and it would have to go in the For Sale rack. I said if it did then maybe she'd let me know because I'd rather like the book anyway. The assistant instantly priced it at 60 pence and a bargain was had.

A dreadful thought came to me later. There are some wonderful and often very expensive books in libraries. What if people damaged books, took them back, and then bought them for pence just to get their hands on them. Perish the thought. And our libraries are struggling enough at the moment already.

G is on the way back from an overnight business trip to Surrey, via Lincolnshire. Not exactly the most direct route home but I believe several rare birds were reported in that area. He also bought some fresh Lincolnshire asparagus, so that means I can harvest the one edible stem our plant has produced so far and cook it for dinner. Haddock with cheese sauce and a few prawns, topped with a poached egg, and fresh asparagus, plus our home grown stem to share.

No .... we'll have to have the cheese sauce too; think I've fallen off the diet just for tonight.

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