Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

Dentist check-up

This afternoon was it was time for our dentist check-up. The girls absolutely love going there. Wouter, the dentist, is specialised in children's dentistry but makes an exception to see me as well. The tree of us always go to the check-up together. Normally I have to go first and whilst Wouter has a good look at my teeth, he has 2 very enthousiastic assistents in Abbie and Pippa.
He kindly let me take some photos when it was the girls' turn.

Apparently yesterday's Sad... blip was unknowingly a very appropriate blip. As yesterday the news spread that Tuscany, a very active member of the blip community, passed away unexpectedly earlier in the week. My thoughts go out to the family and many friends...

PS did talk to Pippa's teacher, who was very understanding! Pippa is now allowed to do maths her own way!

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