Bottle brush
You might have had another sunset tonight, or some more barley. But there's time enough for that. Seeing the forum thread suggesting folk post flower shots tagged 'for Molly', I figured I might just join in. Molly put a lot into blip, and I always appreciated her thoughtful comments - and those I saw on other journals. So, here's a bit of a bottle brush plant I bought today to brighten the garden up a bit.
I also managed to pick up our kit to make the internet work (bizarrely it was delivered to a flower shop for me) so I am now typing at a desk, rather than hunched over a tiny iPhone with my big fat fingers leaving trails of typos behind them.
After taking Mr B to the airport very very early, we headed back for breakfast and then on to Katherine's first riding lesson - which seemed to go extremely well. The two teachers seem to focus on having fun and have, I think a very caring attitude to the kids which bodes well. I might even have a go at riding there myself... (And not just because of the terribly hunky teacher in his tight, tight jeans...)
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