an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


EDIT: Went back and forth on this one several times. First time I've ever changed a shot, then changed back, etc....

The actor portrait series continues today.

Brian mentioned yesterday that I should take more portraits. Believe it or not, portraits are my first and best love, but I am overly critical of them. I am trying to take more - hoping to do some longer series over the summer, but I am so damn picky about them.

The thing is, I can take 150 frames of the same inanimate thing, and one will probably be what I want. But I can't always take 150 frames of a person, and I hate the disappointment of finding a portrait did not come out how I liked.

So I think this entry is about letting go of expectations, trying to put myself out there a little more as just someone with a camera. I love to take portraits when I am the "photographer" - I took so many portraits on the bicycle ride to Alaska, because no one ever questioned my right to do so. I was the photographer.

Trying to be that way in real life can prove more difficult. I imagine it is a neuroses that is connected to my fear of talking to strangers on the phone and asking people for help.

Anyway, this, friends, is Jordy.

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