Get Back to Me

By GetBacktoMe


The name Dandelion Taraxacum Officinale is derived from the French 'dent de lion' literal translation: 'tooth of the lion', because of the tooth like edge of the leaves.

In France it is also known as 'pis-en-lit' which translates to 'wet the bed' due to the diuretic qualities of the leaves.

As we all know a weed is only a plant growing in the wrong place, so if the dandelion is a weed to you, then start picking the leaves to add to your salads, it will help your liver and kidney function and add vital minerals and vitamins to your diet. Make a fine wine from the flowers, a coffee substitute from the roots and tell the time of day by blowing the seed clocks.

All of a sudden the Dandelion becomes a desirable medicinal, cullinary and herbal plant, not a weed at all.

p.s. And it of course it's a blipper's delight too!

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