Out of this world.

Tom's latest obsession is space.

Not only can he name all of the planets in order from the sun outwards, he also knows that the mean distance earth is from the sun is around 93,000,000 miles.

As well as that he knows that Pluto's orbit is inclined 17º to the orbits of the other planets but that it also orbits inside Neptunes orbit for a period of time.

Pluto he imformed me the other day is a dwarf planet along with Eris and Ceres. (Now I didn't know that!)

I haven't a clue whether any of this will prove useful to him in later life but as he is only 5 only time will tell.

This is one of the variety of wall stickers he chose as a reward for getting a certificate at his Occupational Therapy Group Sessions. This is the one with the cheese wings. I'll leave you to draw you own conclusions.

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