
By PlanW

They Called Him Ernie (Ernieeeeeeee)

She said she'd like to bathe in milk, he said, "All right, sweetheart,"
And when he'd finished work one night he loaded up his cart.
He said, "D'you want it pasturize? 'Cause pasturize is best,"
She says, "Ernie, I'll be happy if it comes up to my chest."

Went for a little mooch about a booootique hotel that we use today and had a free lunch thrown in, can't complain about that. Here's one of the sexy bathrooms. I'd quite like to stay here one day, you never know. The building used to be Ernest Shackleton's home and there's images of Shaka's expeditions all over the show. When I got back to work I asked one the fellas who I'd booked in there recently what they thought and he said it was 'cold', which is probably taking the Antarctic theme a little far.

So very sorry to hear the sad news about Molly / Amalarian / Tuscany today. She was so charming, interesting and engaging. I was intrigued by her wonderful photos of the beautiful countryside where she lived, her dogs and her love for them, tales of Himself. She was very kind and always had a nice comment ... so very sad.

Ernie, Benny Hill, 1971

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