Locust Grove

Stine, Liz, and I were supposed to go hiking at my favorite place Mohonk mountain today. So, we drove all the way there just to find out that to hike it was $20 per person. Which was outrageous, and the website had said nothing about that. That was a bit ridiculous so we left. We found another hiking trail that was also overpriced (because to us anything that wasn't free to hike and under $15 to park was overpriced). Then we tried googling free places to hike and found one but got lost so many times on the way that we just called off the whole trip. It was all together a major fail.

We ended up back in Poughkeepsie at Samuel Morse's house. He's the inventor of the Morse Code and considered the 'father of American photography'. He has a really lovely house and property.

Back to studying, one more final.

I'm only $90 away from my goal for the Sucide Prevention walk I'm doing this June in honor of my friend Jackie. Please consider donating, it's a great cause. (Click here to go to my donation page)

"Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; its when you had everything to do, and you've done it."
-Margaret Thatcher

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