
By Frontier


Whether they are literal, physical or metaphorical, there are a multitude of directions along The Path. Whatever the path may be, the signs are always there as guides. Sometimes they are hard to see due to the veil of emotion, inexperience, or experience that embody our choices.

Signs should be approached, I believe, with cynicism sometimes as they are borne of thoughts that are not entirely yours. Although best to be taken as advice, it can never be entirely trusted. On the otherhand, complete dismissal would ignore the validity of its expression as it would have been created with a pure intention (whatever that may be).

The advice of one guide is arguably as valid as another, depending on the context to which it is given and the mindset to which it is received. As one sign piles along among others, the true path is disguised and littered with alluring lights of distraction, misguided intention and empty beguilement. Confusion ensues. The ultimate guide however, is your heart and soul which in turn will lead you to your true destination.

It's a sign when the heart speaks.

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