With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

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Vote vote vote for little A,
In comes B at the door.
B is the one who gives us all the fun
So we don't want A anymore

Vote vote vote for little B
In comes A at the door
A is the one who spent all the budget last time, making B look really crap,
So we don't want B anymore and probably we will vote A in again to make even more of a cockup

THat's what I can make of it all, but who knows. They're putting so many banners up in town, it looks like fiesta again.

Great day at work with fun invigilation f the chemistry practical (no, really)

Back to Soller for boys' tennis footy etc with a shop inbetween, back to a clean house (thanks Roxy) and back to bed, I'm knackered.

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