Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Happiness.... is chasing clouds

Day 4 of Blip/Twitter Gang Challenge: Happiness

Those who know my blips.... and my Facebook ....and my Twitter and anywhere else where I post photos ( public toilets at Bingley....) will know how much I love clouds.

After a dreary day the cloudy sunset has been outstanding today, I was driving home from a rivetting trip out for a new camera lead ( rock n electronics roll ) and the sunset was just getting better and better. It was unfolding like some wonderful book of colour, it was rich and heavy and just gorgeous. I had to be back for nine when the girls came back so I was driving home, clock watching and stopping the car every 1/4 of a mile to try and get the best shot.

In all honesty there were so many beautiful views tonight that I was spoilt for choice. I got some great river ones but I like this as it's more unusual and typifies Yorkshire.

I should probably have posted some family shot today for the challenge but in my book happiness is also about breaking the rules.

A lovely day, The girls have been giddy off ice cream in a retro ice cream parlour, I have had some wonderful fresh air. Job done

Wine and Question Time and the evening will be finished superbly.

Happy Weekend Eve

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