Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Best Buds

I'm doing quite a bit of back-blipping, but when I uploaded this pic from our Opening Day I fell in love with it. This pic of Landon and his best bud from baseball, Na'eel, melts my heart. His mom posted this pic on her Facebook page along with the phrase "I Have A Dream...fulfilled" from Martin Luther King Jr.

Today involved a baseball game for all three boys (in which they threw Liam in as pitcher for the FIRST TIME EVER), Opening Day Jamboree competitions, Parent's Home Run Derby AND team pictures. We survived the day being pulled in SO many directions by our boys, by little league parents, and setting up/tearing down. It's one of those days where you realize that you're just going to have to choose which of the kid's events to view and which ones your going to have to miss...and learn to be o.k. with it. Always the guilty-mommy complex. Loren came in first place in the Majors running competition (he scored a gift card to Best Buy). Landon came in third place in two competitions for the t-ball division...the throwing competition and the running competition (scoring him gift cards to Jamba Juice). Liam was a little bummed to not win anything this year, but he's won the last two years (we had to remind him of that to make him feel better). Also, our family sold the most raffle tickets so Loren will be throwing out the first pitch at the Ports game!!! I'd say it was a full day....7:30am-7:30pm at the ball park! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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