The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Books and Buttons

I love my job. Seriously though, it's a great job; really rewarding and all that other good stuff. But...if I had to choose a dream job then I would like to have a little (but popular - not like Black Books) book shop. it'd be a kind of cult, destination place that everyone who was anyone would just have to pop in past on their way to somewhere equally fabulous and cool. And it would also sell cool and quirky crafty stuff made with buttons and things. I'd run it with my best mate, Ash, and we would get to hang out all day being silly and drinking proper lattes and eating cheese scones*. We would spend large portions of our time visiting craft fairs to source our cool stuff and word would spread, like wildfire no less, of how ace the shop was and how ace we were for having opened such a place of wonder. We'd even have a cool little kids corner where kids could come and read books and we wouldn't even be bothered about mess.*

This wee place has been the mainstay of many conversations that Ash and I have had over the years. The exact nature of what we would sell is wont to change depending on our humour (and the actual economic viability of anything like this succeeding - Ash knows about economic stuff) but the vital components of lattes, scones and cool crafty stuff remains the same.

And yes, we have thought of a name.

*these would be calorie free on account of the fact that this my fantasy and in this fantasy land I am already a size 10 and manage to keep my trim figure absolutely no bother at all despite all the cheese scones I seem to be scoffing. I'm also to be found wearing my immaculately styled hair up in a twisty bun thing and not skelpit to the side of my face like hingin' mince as it was for most of today.

*again, this is my fantasy and in it mess will not bother me.

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