Journey Through Time

By Sue

Up at OHSU

I had an appointment up at OHSU. This is the Oregon Health and Sciences University and it is a huge collection of medical buildings up in the hills above the city of Portland. If you have to go to OHSU for any reason, people around here will usually say, "I have to go upto the hill, or "up to OHSU", or "up to Pill Hill". It is a drive up a two lane twisty road to get to this place, and this was the first time I've ever driven up there by myself. Hopefully that will be the last time. I did have sweaty palms driving to this place. But I made it!! I thought I had TMJ, but the specialist there said that was not the case. That's good. Anyway...I was there all afternoon it seemed. I got there early with plenty of time to find a parking spot and to make sure I knew where I was going. It's a big place. I took several photos and I wanted to show the grounds, but chose the view instead. There is a fairly newish aerial tram and I went to where the loading dock was and went out to the big balcony where one can sit and enjoy the view. This is looking Northeast, across the Willamette river. You can see some of the bridges that cross the river in the Portland area. The mountain in the distance is Mt. St Helens. The clouds were interfering with the view, and Mt. Hood wasn't showing up very well. so this turned out to be the best view photo I took, I think. Well, at least it wasn't raining.

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