
By tookie

Bleeding Hearts

As the week progresses we are all trying to deal with the loss of fellow blipper Molly and so many lovely tributes I've seen on here these past few days. Our hearts still ache with our loss, but in her honor we continue to blip and with our blips savor and honor her memory!

Had two funny encounters at the Y today---got in for a pre work workout and had a guy there in my face I nicknamed the "yeller"...he likes to yell questions at you or say silly things but for me it's just toooo early for all that and I just want to get it done and out of there. Then tonight I went back to finish up for another 35 min. only to have the guy I call the "groaner" come in--and he moved the rowing machine so it was situated right smack in front of me and began to heave ho and huff and puff and's really gross and disturbing and fortunately I was almost done and finished up quickly---eeeew! I do think Molly would have enjoyed this tale of woe!

Tomorrow is Friday---hip hip hurray!

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