
By RockNerd

Mind the Doors!

Spent a pleasant morning wandering round the streets of Rye. If you've been there you'll know it's full of charming, quirky things like this.
It's also full of "antique" shops offering a selection of junk. Actually, I was tempted by a leather armchair, but it wouldn't have fitted in the car.
Then to the uber-picturesque Scotney Castle. Just resisted the standard shot here too (see Bodiam, yesterday), before back to Rye for a few drinks & supper.
I suppose if you're visiting Rye you have to go to the Mermaid, but £3.90 for a pint of Harvey's! Supped up & went to the Union. Not as quaint but £1.40 a pint cheaper. A worthwhile saving, I think you'll agree!
A tip: I reckon you could get rich with a decent second-hand bookshop-cum-veggie restaurant in Rye.

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