RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Museum Art

We spent time today at the Zihuatanejo Archeological Museum, the Museo Regional de la Costa Grande. We have passed this stone building at the end of Playa Principal many times, but today we actually paid our 10 pesos each and went inside. Our coastal area is rich with archeological finds starting around 3,000 B.C. and the museum did a good job of explaining the various artifacts and their significance (fortunately for me most displays had English translations). While the displays were interesting they were all behind glass and hard to photograph, plus they were pretty much devoid of color. What did catch my eye was the exhibition of youngster's art around the central courtyard. There were a half dozen different interpretations of this paper mache sailfish. I settled on this as my favorite because I liked the "angry eye" as well as the contrasting color scheme.

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