Friday the 13th..

Was rather awesome!
- Did speech to the class.. someone asked if I got a Saturday job at the SCHOOL! Lol! Everyone was talking about it in the next lesson!
- Got to watch GCSE drama final pieces in drama.
- My shoes got tied together at lunch (don't ask) and I decided to go for a walk like it.. didn't get very far though! It's so hard to walk like that! When I wanted to be set free, my shoe laces wouldn't undo! I thought I was going to have to walk around school for the rest of the day with my converses joined together!!
- Music was such fun.
- Geography was absolutely hilarious!!

-- I've started this thing when I ask different people what I should blip.. yesterday they wanted dark clouds, and today they wanted my front door.. but i didn't find the door overly interesting! I'm going to try and ask someone every day ;D

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