Odd offerings out & about

By roymci

Lettuce nemesis

It shows great willpower to discover a snail devouring my red green lettuce patio pot and to immediately think to go and get my camera. Even greater woosishness to move my erstwhile subject to another part of the garden afterwards and award it with the lettuce plant it had been sliming over. :(

We've collectively survived Higher English today. The build up was worse than the recent driving tests however the outcome is now on hold until August whereas, with the driving tests, we were in the depths of despond by now. Next instalment - June. Nay's gone off to the cinema leaving us a text to say "English was giid" 8-|

It's the weekend - yeehah - & the slug pellets go down tonight - bound to make the varied lettuce patio pots a bit less photogenic but at least my family will be able to eat the produce. On that logic - I probably shouldn't post this - ho hum.

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