today is the first day...

By firstday

Superstitious.....not really

Had a crazy day today, woke early managed to shower, breakfast, walk the dog all before 720 so I could take Jo to her placement the other side of town and be at work for 8...phew

I am a veterinary receptionist, a job I absolutely love, but having dealt with two emergencies before 930 I was beginning to think it was going to be a really black Friday. I was sympathising with the second lady while her dog was being treated, she was in a state as she had watched her dog being 'run over' by a car after the postie had left the gate open. I had mentioned the fact it was Friday the thirteenth. She proceeded to tell me that 13 was a lucky number for her, as the 13th child who had been born on the 13th of the month. Unlucky today you might think, except that her little cavalier had managed to escape virtually unscathed.. a little blood and a loose tooth, but apart from shock virtually untouched, despite the car going over him. Incredible, a split second had definately saved his life....

Glastonbury... the countdown begins....shiny happy people now!!!!!
forgot the challenge, how could I as I post my dog every other day.....My beautiful boys

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