
A few people at the beach this morning, some were walking dogs, some were surfing and others were ambling. The sunrise was quiet, a little colour with a fine sea mist hugging the ranges. A slight breeze was coming off the calm water.

I spent some time afterwards at the estuary, a few black swans and mallards but not much else. A few weeks ago there were many spoonbills but they've now gone.

Headed home and had a hot cuppa and then proceeded to our local library to renew books and did a little shopping while up the street. It was quite busy being a warm day. Since then I've been organising some more photos.

The weather is meant to turn tonight and its supposed to get cold and miserable - maybe the forecasters have got it wrong, that would be nice.

Not sure about this one - I've dithered over it, its a bit washout but thats the way it was. I've not touched it as it just didn't look right - so natural it is.

Perhaps better in large.

Have a great Sunday :)

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