Experience the Everyday

By worldofcherie

Partying and Consequences

Instead of going home with Roberto, I went home with Edita... haha! Thanks to his permission we sang to Glee on the train back and had one more glass of wine watching Eurovision.

The morning wasn't much fun though... couldn't sleep past 8am. After lying in bed for the longest time, I had some of the kids' lunch and sneaked out. The problem with being visually impaired (using contact lenses) is that you must always bring your glasses for a sleepover. Of course I wasn't prepared for it so trying to reach home on my own was quite tiring.

After a quick shower and change of clothes, we were off to meet Miss Ayesha, the tallest of all the smokin' hot bridesmaids. So good to see her in person and chat :) It was supposed to be a night of dancing but we were too tired so the night ended at 7:30pm.

That was the plan, before I went back to the Warwick and finished the rest of my Mojito with Kalista and Holger. A short walk to GEM and we danced the night away. Forgot how fun KB was on the dance floor! Can't wait for the wedding!

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